Membership Criteria

The Denver Gold Group, Inc. (DGG) is a capital formation organization that has supported public and private mining companies for nearly four decades. The Denver-based not-for-profit association’s members own the majority of the world’s new gold and silver production and most existing reserves and resources. Membership is exclusive and restricted based on the criteria set out below.

Membership Criteria – Summary

  1. Primary mineral must be a significant exchange-traded commodity (e.g., gold or copper) comprising not less than 60% of actual or projected consolidated revenue).
    • Metal equivalents are not considered.
  2. Preference is given to companies that trade publicly on the senior board of a major stock exchange (New York, Toronto, London, Sydney, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Moscow, Sao Paolo, Mexico City, etc.).
    • Non-US companies should preferably be interlisted in the USA, preferably as an ADR, but OTC is acceptable.
    • Privately held companies may be considered for membership if they are sufficiently large, measured by revenues and/or production and/or mineral reserves and resources.
  3. Publicly traded companies should have analyst coverage from recognized institutions.
    • A paid-for analysis is not considered.
  4. Must be current on annual dues, which are calendar year based.
  5. Must abide by applicable securities regulations: “Privately held Member Company: Must agree that if the member offers securities under an exemption to SEC regulations such as a private placement or make an offer under similar foreign regulations, the member must immediately notify DGG as legally allowed and the DGG will suspend the member until the private placement is completed. At that point, DGG, in its sole option upon the Member’s application, may decide to lift the suspension, and the member may resume its status in the Private Member Category.”

Membership Self Evaluation & Application
Self Evaluation
Prospective members are encouraged to complete a self-evaluation, which will help determine the probability of being admitted to membership.
If you believe your company qualifies for membership in the Denver Gold Group, please complete the qualification form.

Qualification for Mining Forums

Leading precious metals producers, project developers, and royalty companies are invited to address qualified institutional investors. In certain instances, high-demand exploration companies are awarded presentation opportunities.  Speaking times are allocated based on a scored system that is explained below.

  1. The CEO, President, Managing Director, or Chairman must be present.
  2. Companies in commercial production (producers):
    • Companies in commercial production: >11% of market capitalization, reserves and annual production – as a percentage of the median of the DGG Gold Index.  (~US$396MM; ~1.4Moz; ~80koz p.a. respectively).
    • Other precious metals are converted to gold equivalents and subject to the same standards.
  3. Companies near production (developers)
    • Must be within 15 months of the first production.
    • Market capitalization >25%; reserves or measured and indicated resources at 10% of mineral resources of the median of the DGG Gold Index. (~US$721MM; ~1.2Moz respectively).
    • Other precious metals are converted to gold equivalents and subject to the same standards.
  4. Royalty & Streaming Companies
    • 12% of market capitalization (~US$432MM)

Qualification for Explorer & Developer Forum

Companies not qualifying for the Denver Gold Forum will be allocated places in the Explorer and Developer Forum (XPL-DEV).

  1. The CEO, President, Managing Director, or Chairman must be present.
  2. Companies near production (developers)
    • It must be within 24 months of the first production.
  3. Exploration companies (explorers)

Forum Participation Ranking

Participation slots are allocated based on weighted scores for the following criteria:

  • 25% – Market capitalization. Benchmarked to a percentage median of the DGG Gold Index (DG3I), which comprises the top 32 global gold producers.
    • A gold equivalent is applied for all other metals.
  • 10% – Status (producer / developer / explorer / royalty). Producers & royalty companies score most.
  • 10% – Primary metal. Gold scores most.
  • 10% – Stock exchange listing status. A main board listing scores higher.
  • 15% – Annual production. Benchmarked to a percentage median of the DG3I.
    • A gold equivalent for all other metals.
  • 13% – Proven & Probable Reserves.
  • 2% – Measured & Indicated Mineral Resources (developers/explorers) – benchmarked to a median of top gold and silver producers.
  • 7.5% – Trailing 12-month total return relative to the average for all members.
  • 2.5% – Stock Price. US$5 benchmark.
  • 2.5% – 30-Day average trading volume. Benchmarked to the average of all members.
  • 2.5% – Consecutive years of paid Denver Gold Group membership.

All participation decisions are at the sole discretion of The Denver Gold Group, Inc.