Company Profile
Ramelius Resources Limited (ASX:RMS) is a Western Australian gold producer that has been listed on the ASX since 2003 and in production since 2006.
Ramelius owns and operates the Mt Magnet, Penny, Cue, Edna May, Marda, Tampia, and Symes gold mines, all of which are located in Western Australia. Ore from the high grade Penny underground mine is hauled to the Mt Magnet processing plant, where it is blended with ore from both underground and open pit sources at Mt Magnet. The Company is developing the Cue Gold Project, 40km north of Mt Magnet for commencement in early FY25. The Edna May operation is currently processing from the satellite Marda, Tampia and Symes stockpiles.
In January 2022, Ramelius completed the take-over of Apollo Consolidated Limited, taking 100% ownership of the Lake Rebecca Gold Project. In May 2023, Ramelius completed the take-over of Breaker Resources NL and is just 50km from Rebecca. Both projects are being combined into a single Rebecca-Roe project with a Pre-Feasibility Study targeted for completion in the December 2024 Quarter.